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Ashley Dickens

Life Coach | Mind Manager | Mother | Fitness Instructor 

Hello, I’m Ashley.

As a Life Coach I am committed to not only being the best that I can but to also help you be the best you can. I believe that our good can be better!

My Story

I’ve always felt like I was on the outside looking in. I would look around and see people getting so wrapped up in their lives (working, taking care of the kids, cleaning, cooking, living paycheck to paycheck, etc) that they let their dreams die. I could tell that they were doing what was “suppose” to be done in life. It made me sick and honestly, I was scared. I absolutely did not want to live life like that.

As a child, when someone would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always said the same thing…”A Nurse”. I felt like that was the ‘right’ thing to say.

So, immediately out of High School I became a Home Health Aid. While doing that I went to college..pursuing what I always said I wanted to do-Nursing. Well, that didn’t go as planned because I hated college and I hated the thought of being a Nurse for the rest of my life (not that I don’t love helping people because I do).

So I quit college…3 times to be exact!

I worked for 5 years as an Aide and I got some satisfaction out of it because I was helping people but I wasn’t helping them the way I truly wanted to. I LOVE inspiring, motivating, teaching and encouraging others.

So, about a year ago I had a breakdown. I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t live the mediocre life that is considered ‘normal’. I couldn’t let my dreams die. I had more in me than that! I was put on this earth for a reason and it, by no means, was to live a boring, normal, lifeless life. Period.

So, I became a Life Coach and here I am today! I am doing what I LOVE-helping people design the life they’ve always wanted to live! On a daily basis I get to inspire, motivate and teach others!

What I do

There’s more to life than working day to day on the things that are not true to our dreams. There’s more to life than what is considered ‘normal’ which is why I love working with people like you- You have a desire to step out of the norm and live your life to the fullest but your thinking may get in the way of how you perceive yourself and what you think you can accomplish.

I take my clients on a journey that unleashes their full potential so they can accomplish their hearts true desires. I work with my clients over the phone, through email, and Skype. This saves both of us time, money, and energy.

I create personalized 6 week programs for my clients. 

Are you ready? 

If you are ready to tap into your potential and make your dreams a reality, then send me an email- ashley@livebydesignstudio.com