
Live By Design Studio


Consistency Is Key

Regardless of what it is you are trying to accomplish in your life, if you are not consistent, you are not going to get the desired outcome you want.

You can have a workout room full of equipment but unless you actually use that equipment on a regular basis (consistency), you are not going to get the results you want.

You can have all of the tools you need to grow your business but unless you continuously work on actually growing your business, you may end up closing the doors on it (or closing down the website if its online lol).

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The Satisfaction Of Not Quitting

It’s easy to quit.

It’s easy to quit working on your own business when things get tough.

It’s easy to quit working on a relationship to make it stronger, healthy and unconditional.

It’s easy to quit on your goals and idea because they  bring you out of your comfort zone.

Quitting is easy-it doesn’t require any effort. But what do you gain from quitting? What do you gain from giving up?


When you quit, you are giving up on yourself. 

Not quitting is a skill. A skill can be learned. You have to practice not quitting or giving up and you have to practice often to get better.

There is a great satisfaction that comes with not quitting. You will know that when things got hard, you stayed strong and got through it. You pushed yourself. By not quitting, you will honor and respect yourself more. 

Trust Your Guidance

Have you ever put an address into a GPS and thought the directions were wrong…or at least not the way you wanted to go?

That would be your inner guidance. 

It can be very difficult to trust your own guidance when the GPS is telling you something different—the GPS could be your friends, family, husband, wife, etc.

Your guidance is that little voice inside of you that is telling you when something is right or wrong, if you should or shouldn’t do something, etc. 

If there is something you that you want in life, go for it! Don’t let your thought or the thoughts of others stand in your way and keep you from the things you desire.

Trust your guidance-even if you  have to come out of your comfort zone, learn something new, face your biggest fears-just trust it and most importantly, listen to it. 

Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself

We ask ourselves questions all day long. Most of the time we ask ourselves simple questions like “What am I going to wear today?” “Why is my life so hard?” “What am I going to eat today?” and so on.

But do you ask yourself powerful questions? Questions that make your brain work for the answer? Questions that, when answered, are mind blowing because of how creative the answer is?

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