We ask ourselves questions all day long. Most of the time we ask ourselves simple questions like “What am I going to wear today?” “Why is my life so hard?” “What am I going to eat today?” and so on.

But do you ask yourself powerful questions? Questions that make your brain work for the answer? Questions that, when answered, are mind blowing because of how creative the answer is?

When you ask yourself a high-quality, thought provoking question that your brain doesn’t know the answer to, it will immediately go to work to provide you with a high-quality answer. Amazing, right? It’s kinda like we have a personal assistant with us at all times! Lol

But…there is a trick… Don’t limit yourself to “I don’t know” answers. Believe it or not, you have more wisdom than that and you are able to come up with an answer-an answer that will give you a solution.

Powerful questions are great whenever we need to figure something out but try to ask yourself a great question every day (the best time is first thing in the morning).

Powerful Question Ideas;

  • “How will I make today better than yesterday?”
  • “What can I do to laugh a lot today?”
  • “What am I grateful for?”
  • “What am I thinking?”-this on is personally my favorite question
  • “How can I manage my emotions without eating?”
  • “How can I live my best life?”
  • “How can I be less stressed?”

Powerful Question Tips;

  • Ask yourself a powerful question every day.
  • If you don’t know the answer, say “I’m figuring it out” or “I’m learning”.
  • Don’t limit your wisdom to “I don’t know”.
  • If the answer doesn’t come to you immediately (sometimes it can take some time), you can change the question or continue asking the same question.
  • If the answer is negative or you do not like it, change the question.

If you think about something that you want to create more of in your life, put your brain to work by asking a great question. You will be amazed with the answers you come up with.